Long time no posted, sniff sniff. But someone has to finish this bloody PhD and it better be me!
Anyway! Cool news, I am going to be selling some of my stuff at a Swop Shop in the Loft at the Powerscourt Center in Dublin and it's organised by Rough Gem "a new and vibrant collective, based in Dublin. Made up of bloggers, artists and musicians, it aims to bring fun and fancy to the Dublin arts scene"
more info in their blog

On top of that at the end of the month (Nov 29th) there will be the usual Curved Street Cafe Market located on the first floor of Filmbase and this time there will be loads more stalls including things for the male couterparts! Will be posting the poster closer to the date!
Finally, I can't believe this! The stall-holders in the Curved Street Cafe Market will possibly set up the stalls in the studio of IRELAND AM in TV3 an Irish Television morning program! Exciting or what!!
We don't know it for sure bit fingers crossed!