I am a huge animal lover but in my current rented flat they do not allow us to have any dogs or cats so we decided to get a little hamster. When we got him we knew he was already an adult and that their life-span is short anyway. However he has lived with us for over 1 and a half years. He gave us loads of funny moments and joy but he
suddenly got
extremely ill and sadly passed away on Saturday night. He was a cheeky fellow that liked to show off his climbing skills and store food everywhere he could. We will miss you Kiri.
Little pet's are also loved big time! I feel sorry for you Anna :(
I'm so sorry for you, Anna.
No matter how small, it is always hard to lose a pet.
So sorry this happened Anna!
So funny how a little creature manage to take a big part of your heart... sorry for your lost!
I am so sorry for you Annas ! I know what it is to loose a beloved pet. Hugs
Ohh, that's so sad...
It's very hard to lose a pet..
oh, Anna, I am so sorry for you and your little pet, our hamster, Lola, gave birth a month ago, if I could, I would send you one of the little ones, they are so sweet!
So sorry for you! My first pet was hamster, too and I still remember the feeling of loosing it!
RIP Kiri. Big hug, Anna.
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